MoBO review
Section 1 Form
This format was developed by intel to outdo the at factor
Measurements 12”x9.6”
Micro ATX
Backwards compatible with ATX and MICRO ATX cases,
Fewer chassis bays
Meant for theatres, or embedded systems.
Compatible with ATX chassis
Section 2 System board components
Bus architecture
- Serial communications
dominate- sustains data rates many times those of parallel connections.
Only downside is the capability of the transceivers.
1394/FIREwire, peripheral component interconnect express (PCIe)
The term bus is also used in any parallel or bit serial
wiring implantation where multiple devices can be attached at the same time in
parallel or in series(Daisy chained)
A chipset is a collection of chips or circuits that perfom
interface and peripheral functions for the processor. This collection of chips
is usually the circuitry that provides interfaces for memory, expansion cards,
and onboard peripherals and generally dictates how a motherboard will
communicate with the installed
Two major functions of a chipset, North bridge and
North Bridge
Peripheral boss primarily for communications with
intergrated video
The cpuand memory occur over what is known as the frontside
Backside bus (BSB) if present is responsible for the signal
between the cpu and the cache memory
With no BSB the cache is placed on the frontside bus with
the cpu and main memory.
Controls the southbridge
Provides support to the onboard slower peripherals(P.S
parallel ports, serial ports, serial and parallel ata, and so on), Unlike
NORTHBRIDGE they do not keep up with the external clock of the cpu and do not
represent a bottlekneck in the overall performance of the system.
The southbridge is responsible for handing the slower
expansion buses
Section 3 Expansion Slots
Expansion Slots
Most visible on a MOBO
PCI EXPANSION buses operate at 33mhz or 66 mhz over a 32 bit
(4 byte) channel
Data rates therefore at 133 and 266 mbps 133 mbps most
Mixing 33 and 66 mhz adapters in a 66 mhz system will slow
all adapters to 44mhz
Pci slots and adatpers are manufacture in 3.3 and 5v
Notches in the card 5v slots and adatpers oriented toward
the front of the mobo
PCI-X expansion
Visually identical to 64bit PCImost common 133 mhz maximum
533 mhz, 8 byte (64 bit) Bus> maixumum throughput of 4622MBPS roughly 4.3
PCI-X supports a 266 mhz bus compatible with PCI ADAPTERS
PCI – X targets
server platforms
All adapters falling back to the frequency of the slowest
inserted adapter
AGP expansion
Accelerated graphics port (AGP)
Mostly for legacy video card use
AGP slots deigsned to be direct connection between the video
circuitry and the PCS memory
BROWN slots
AGP X1 uses a 4 byte channel and a 66 mhz clock, results in
data rate of 266 mbps
AGP 2X 4x and 8x multiply the 66mhz clock
PCIe Expansion
Backwards compatible
PCIe is usually refered to as the bus architecture to
simplify its comparison with other bus tehcnologies
Use switching correspondent bandwith
PciE is a serial technology, striping data packets across
multiple serial paths to achieve higher data rates.
PCIE uses the concepts of lanes, which ware switched point
to point signal paths between any two pcie components.
Seven different link widths
1x 2x 4x 8x 12x 16x and 32x
1x 4x 16x being most common
16x largest slot
Three major version of PCIE 1x 2x and 3.0
PCIE is compatible with PCI’s best
You can use smaller size cards in a bigger lane slot it will
just run at the slower speed
SLI on PCIe(two cards)
Perfomarnacne suffers without the proper amount of video
cards in the slots
CNR Expansion
Seperates the analog circuitry onto its own card. This
allowed analog circuitry to be
separately certified from the already certified digital motherboard.
The communications and networking riser (CNR) slot that can
be found on some was devolped after the Audio modem riser (AMR)
These legacy 60 pin slots allowed motherboard manufacturers
to implement a motherboard chipset with certain integrated featuires.
A cnr riser card could be added to enhance the onboard
CNR has good network support; plug and play compatibility
support for hardware acceleration.
Mobo Notes at a glimpse
32 bit(4 Bytes)
64 bit(8byte)
North Bridge- Peripheral Boss- Controls South Bridge
South Bridge- provides support to the onboard slower
(ATX) advanced techonology extended
Micro Atx
(PCI) Peripheral component interconnect\
(PCIx) EXtended
(AGP) Accelerated graphics port(BROWN SLOT)
(PCIe)Peripheral component express
(CNR) Communications and networking riser- 60 pin
slots-Network Support
Good night everyone, Hope someone has learned something from this review.
-Mark Bartlett