Monday, 18 February 2013

IC3 day

So our class finally got into our IC3 books, and did a few rudimentary exercises.
We have gone over Operating systems quite extensively.  
Alot of the review was of the 3 different flavors, and the sub categories that were in said flavors.

We also went over the difference between the hardware and the O/S(operating system)
The O/S "performs the following actions- serves as a logical interface for the user and the hardware, Manages co-ordinates and services"
Here is a quote in regards to hardware "Hardware asks something to happen O/S makes it happen
provides logical environment in which application software can execute on the pc"

The O/S consists of 3 different "part's"
The" Kernel is loaded into the memory-contains the basic functions of the os which are memory management input output, file management, communications
The kernel provides services for communications software and the user interface.
Services that are not included in the kerner\l are called into memory temporarily and are executed as there needed."

The" User interface
Excerpts commands from the user and interprets them, this facilitates communication between the os and the user
Command interpreter
This is the gooey in the graphical environment and the command line interfaces, so non graphical"
And the "File System
Provides the methods used to organize files on the storage media
To store files on the media and to provide access control and other types of file protection."
We also went quite a bit more in-depth, But those quotes are a good just of the situation.
We also went into task bar options and a few more small procedures, Moving on we were asked to choose a pc to log and document for the class Data base of computers that we will be working on and repairing throughout the remainder of the course.

-Mark Bartlett

1 comment:

  1. This post was very informative and I learned a lot. Good job, Mark
