Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Day 25

I have not posted lately as I had the flu, But let me get started.        Feb/27/2013

Today was actually a great day, We started out by working in the "box". We had previously wiped and installed a windows O/S on a pc that needed repair in class, I had to learn how to mount a ISO image(the o/s) and then put the image onto a flash drive, as a NTFS file, But the NTFS file did not computer. So I used fat32, Anyways I  partitioned a pc, and then loaded a O/S onto the computer. Only to find out when I came back to class, Some peer fiddled with my computer, But it is my fault because I left the dang thing open.

Anyways so to continue, This morning we took some more pcs that needed wiping and installments, and did what we do best, or worst depending on whom you are speaking of (I may be the worst ;)  I had a fairly rudimentary job as my PC was wiped , So I had to swap some files from my teachers laptop, and put them on my flash drive, Then moving them onto My own laptop and installing a windows file to put the windows 7 starter edition onto my flash drive, the said operation probably took about half an hour, After all this was said and done it worked like it was no ones business and installed no problem. So Lunch was aten, snacks were had. 
We moved onto some IC3 "stuff" lol I will refer to ic3 subject as stuff. So we learnt what the ribbons and tabs did in certain micro soft office programs.
We also learn't the proper steps to installing and updating a O/S even though we did this already, The review was good just to keep the said process fresh and embedded in our brain.

We then did a IC3 quiz online I scored 80% Only to do utterly terrible on the A+ test of the day.
Anyways Ladies and Gent's I will be logging off. 
oh yeah, I have a server I will be setting up this saturday, I will keep you all posted!
-Mark Bartlett

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